Impressions of the Guitar Festival in Postojna
Lorena Jejčić
Hvala vam na vrhunskoj organizaciji i predivnom tjednu gitare u Postojni!
Vaš je festival pravo osvježenje na ovim prostorima.
2023-07-27 17:56:36 Luna Piljić
Wrapped up! Having had an amazing week at the International Guitar Festival Postojna, with these amazing professors, we've donne so much for only seven days. Haven't I experienced it in person, I would thought of it to be the myth. Amazing professors, exceptional performers. Both solo, and chamber music! The big thanks to all of you, to all of the friends for the time we've spent and the fun we've had.
2022-07-23 09:57:03 Hana Tia Tauses
Na festivalu sem se imela odlično! Spoznala sem veliko novih prijateljev in odličnih kitarskih pedagogov. Super se mi zdi, da se lahko kaj novega naučim od različnih kitaristov z različnimi mnenji, kot tudi od vrstnikov. Hvala vam za ta prečudovit teden z izjemnimi koncerti in poučnimi predavanji.
2021-08-04 19:47:08 Matic Košir
This festival was again simply the best. It was one educational, funny and very interesting week full of music, learning and enjoying with the new and old friends. I'm looking forward to the next one.
2021-08-03 02:36:42 Mojca Bence
Čudovit teden kitare. Prejela sem veliko novega znanja, poznanstev, poslušala koncerte odličnih kitaristov. Kot učiteljici kitare mi je bilo zelo všeč predavanje fizioterapevtke Melite Gole Kordiš o drži kitare in problematiki le-te pri učencih. Hvala Tonetu in Nataši Črnugelj za organizacijo tako obširnega festivala kitare.
2021-08-02 09:11:14 Gašper Golob Rupnik
Na festivalu sem se imel odlično! Spoznal sem veliko novih prijateljev, prejel nove informacije od kitarskih pedagogov in se udeleževal zanimivih predavanj in čudovitih koncertov. Hvala za super organizacijo!
2021-08-01 16:59:58 Boris Popović
Na festivalu mi je bilo odlično, mnogo sam naučio, predavanja su bila odlična i društvo je bilo fantastično.
2019-07-30 22:10:56 Andrea De Vitis
I had a pleasure to be invited in Postojna Guitar Week for a concert and master classes and I was immediately surprised by the special atmosphere of the festival: serious and professional but also friendly and relaxed, so the perfect condition to work with the students and to perform with pleasure.
The level of the students was high and every teacher could feel the interest they showed during the lessons.
Thanks a lot to Anton Črnugelj for organising such a wonderful event!
Kind regards.
Andrea De Vitis
2019-07-29 18:18:17 Gašper Golob Rupnik
Dear Nataša and Anton!
I really need to thank you so much for opportunity to be a part of this festival. I met a lot of new friends and teachers here and had a wonderful time. I also had an honor to play in the guitar orchestra and to perform on the closing concert of participants.
So thank you again and see you next year!
2019-07-28 18:23:50 Julieta Gonzalez Springer
Gracias una vez mas por la invitacion a este maravilloso festival!Fue un placer participar, junto con Jacaras y cantar en la bella ciudad de Postojna y en una exelente sala.Gracias tambien por su hospitalidad Tengo la experiencia de haber cantado en diferentes festivales en Europa y Mexico y su generosidad fue exepcional. Ademas, tuve la oportunidad de conocer un poco su bello pais. Seguro que me gustara volver a Eslovenia y a su festival. Un caloroso saludo
2019-07-23 13:58:00 David Bajda
Me siento profundamente enriquecido por haber participado del Festival de Guitarras de Postojna en su edición 2019. Me llevo muchas enseñanzas de los maestros, concertistas y participantes del festival. Agradezco a Anton Črnugelj haberme dado la posibilidad de dar a conocer sobre la guitarra en Argentina. Espero que este sea el primero de muchos encuentros que nos permitan seguir aprendiendo. Abrazo grande desde Mendoza, Argentina!!
2019-07-20 23:54:39 Zsombor Sidoo
I had the pleasure to play the opening concert and give some masterclasses at the guitar festival in Postojna. Thank you Anton Črnugelj, for the kind invitation and for everybody for a great time there. It was a really special first experience in Slovenia.
2019-07-17 17:21:18 Mateusz Ławniczak
Thanks again for the invitation, concert and our whole cooperation! It was a great experience both for me personally and for the whole Jacaras. We are still under great impression of Postojna, Your Festival and Your hospitality!!
Best wishes, good luck with future editions!!
2019-07-17 16:52:53 Timotej Kosovinc
Thank you Anton Črnugelj and Nataša Črnugelj for the organisation of this wonderful festival and for giving me a chance to present my music there! It was a pleasure and honour for me to spend the week with so many outstanding guitarists!
2019-07-17 16:03:26 Ada Stefan
Thank you for the great opportunity that you gave me to work with some of my favorite interpreters and for the great lectures and concerts. It was an unforgettable experience and I learned a lot of new things.
2018-12-31 10:43:20 Miloš Markič
Za festival sem zvedel lansko leto, bolj slučajno kot načrtno, ob priložnostnem srečanju s profesorjem Črnugljem. Sem ljubiteljski kitarist in kitara mi popestri malodane vsak dan. Letos sem prišel v Postojno na tri večerne koncerte. Zares prijetno vzdušje in vrhunski nastopajoči kitaristi. Samo želeli smo si lahko tak festival. Klasična kitaristika je v zadnjih desetletjih izredno napredovala. Vse najboljše želim dnevom kitare v Postojni tudi v prihodnje, profesorjema Nataši in Antonu Črnuglju pa seveda vse priznanje za vodenje tega festivala.
2018-09-10 21:34:21 Margarita Escarpa
It was such an honor and pleasure to take part in this wonderful festival with fantastic artists, colleagues and students. Each single minute has been precious to me, so inspiring and unforgettable. Thanks a lot, Tone and your team, for the great and generous job you are doing for the Guitar.
2018-08-07 11:29:44 Oman Kaminsky
Dear friends, I had the most amazing guitar-week at Postojna!
It was one of the best festivals I've ever been. Excellent atmosphere, students, teachers, concerts... and great parties ;-)
I wish long life to this awesome festival.
2018-08-02 03:18:22 Pavla Lušin
I had a great time at the festival this year! I highly recommend it to anyone for it's relaxed atmosphere, excellent concerts and impactful masterclasses and lectures.
Congrats for good organization!
2018-07-26 13:36:34 andrea tuksa
Naša su očekivanja ispunjena. Ana je nakon Postojne zadovoljna i visokomotivirana za daljnji rad. Zahvaljujem se cijelome timu. Andrea
Unsere Erwartungen wurden erfüllt. Ana ist zufrieden und hochmotiviert zum Weiterlernen nach Hause gekommen.
Ich bedanke mich dafür sehr herzlich beim ganzen Team!
Andrea Tukša
2018-07-25 18:14:26 Gašper Golob Rupnik
Iskreno se vam zahvaljujem, ker ste me povabili na tak velik dogodek, pa čeprav sem mlajši od predvidene starosti, ker ste nas tako prisrčno sprejeli v Postojni, ker ste se nam vedno odzvali, ko smo potrebovali informacije za 7. teden kitare v Postojni, ker ste prisluhnili našim idejam, ker ste si vzeli čas in še dodatno izpopolnili moje igranje in ker ste mi dodelili odlične učitelje in pedagoge na mojstrskih tečajih, pri katerih sem dobil zelo koristne in uporabne nasvete, ki bodo izboljšali moje igranje. Hvala vam za to lepo doživetje. Upam, da bo v Postojni še veliko tednov kitare, ki mladim širijo razgledanost v glasbeni svet in jim dajejo možnost, da sklepajo prijateljstva ter spoznavajo kitarske mojstre in pedagoge.
2018-07-14 12:34:42 Xhevdet Sahatxhija
Želim se od srca zahvaliti na pozivu i u svemu drugom što ste pružili tijekom gitarskog festivala u Postojni. Stvarno radite veliku stvar za gitariste u regiji a posebno za domaće gitariste. Mogu Vam samo reći da sam uživao cijelo vrijeme. Koncerti su bili izvrsni, ekipa je bila izvrsna a posebno ljubazni slovenski gitaristi (Cerkovnik, Baroš, Kuhar, Kosovinc, …). Želim vam puno lijepih trenutaka i u drugim izdanjima. Xhevdet
2017-10-09 10:20:24 Здановский Илья Евгеньевич
We like your festival very much! Organization, masterclasses and concerts were perfect!
Postojna is a very good place for festival! We also visited some museums, Trieste and Ljubljana!
Olga is very satisfied!!!
2017-07-20 23:19:48 Christian Zielinski
Thank you Postojna for a beautiful week at the guitar festival!
We had a beautiful concert, radio interview and two days of masterclass - with high level of the students!
But the best thing are our colleagues- which some of them are now also friends!
Thanks to all!8ABC
2017-07-16 22:18:40 David Pavlovits
I am very happy to have been a part of this wonderful festival two times in Postojna, and I really enjoyed the amazing atmosphere in Postojna created by the organizer Anton Crnugelj, I can recommend it to everyone!
2016-09-01 23:17:58 Darinka Kališnik
Letos se je moja hčerka prvič udeležila festivala, kot mama sem bila zaskrbljena kako bo, ker je pač še mlajša. Naj povem vsem staršem iz svojih izkušenj,da je za otroke odlično poskbljeno. Varno okolje, super hostel, Ga.Nataša in g.Tone sta posebej, odlično skrbela za mlajše otroke. Poleg tega pa se je na festivalu zelo veliko naučila, bila zelo zadovoljna z profesorji, ker je bilo vse delo opravljeno v odličnem vzdušju. Kitaro so igrali vsepovsod, kadarkoli in kar je najbolj pomembno za otroke, ki imajo radi ta inštrument z velikim veseljem.
Velika pohvala Nataši in Tonetu za odličen teden kitare, se zelo veselimo naslednjega leta.
Janina in Darinka Kališnik
2015-09-18 11:13:30 Pavel Steidl
Dear friends, I had fantastic time with you which I will remember for ever. To meet such great personalities all together and so many young students ,enthusiastic and full of talents . You do so much for their future and the future of the guitar. Thank you I was allowed to be a part of this happening. Love Pavel
2015-08-19 09:14:33 Stojan Kuhar
Na festivalu sem bil letos prvič. Od prijateljev, ki so se festivala udeležili že prej, sem slišal same pohvalne besede, letos pa sem imel priložnost, da se še sam prepričam.
Nastanitev v hostlu je odlična izbira, saj so sobe lepe, pa tudi če vzameš kitaro v roke ob bolj čudnih urah, ti nihče ne teži.
Mojstrski tečaji so mi zelo koristili, prof. Grafenauer in David Pavlovits, pa sta odlična pedagoga in sem z njima rad delal. Kakšne stvari sem se naučil tudi pri poslušanju drugih mentorjev.
Na festivalu sem spoznal veliko kolegov iz drugih držav in upam, da jih bom vsako leto več.
En velik HVAAALA organizatorjema g. Tonetu in ge. Nataši za ves trud z nami in na svidenje prihodnje leto v Postojni!
2015-08-08 15:14:12 Karmen Stendler
Dear Tone and Nataša!
Being a part of this year's festival was an absolute delight for me. :)
I would warmly recommend coming to this festival to anyone - not only because of the renowned world class professors teaching there and soloists as well as chamber groups giving remarkable concerts, but also because of the great atmosphere and flawless organization.
2015-08-07 15:12:36 Shih-yu Liu
I'm very happy to be invited to give a recital and teach so many high talented students this year.
There are also many great guitar masters giving us such the beautiful music. I really enjoy it!
This is really one of the most important guitar event in Europe, and I hope to meet you all again in the future.
Shih-yu Liu from Taiwan
2015-08-04 18:11:48 Viktorija Pisačić
The week spent in Postojna was very educative. It was a great opportunity (and honor) to learn from such remarkable professors. The organization of the festival was at a high level and the accommodation was very good. The concerts were also great. I'm glad that I was a part of this festival. Thank you for everything.
2014-09-08 16:11:07 Johann Palier
Dear Anton, dear Natasa ! Congratulations to your perfect and careful organisation and also to all contributors to this great event for guitar ! It was a very inspiring atmosphere to teach the very talented and enthusiastic students. The future of guitar is going to flourish with Festival like yours !
Thanks !
2014-08-21 14:10:43 Florian Palier
Dear Anton, dear Natasa!
I had an amazing time at your festival! It was great to play and teach in such a great atmosphere and to see and feel so much enthusiasm for the guitar! To teach so many talented students was a pure pleasure for me.
See you soon,
2014-08-21 13:09:59 Matija Kučić
Great festival! Really nice week spent with a lot of good music, teachers, concerts and people. And everything was very well organized. Thank you for everything and see you next year!
2014-08-18 23:09:18 Carlo Marchione
Dear Anton, Natasha and everybody who made possible this festival, I can say to you only one word: thanks! Thanks for the incredible enthousiasm you bring into music and young musicians! The level of the master and of the pieces played was just amazing and the final concert of the partecipants shown us that our wonderful instrument is absolutely alive :-) really a great job! Thanks for your touching hospitality, for your attention and warmth during my concert, for your delucious grappa...for everything! I hope to see you soon again! A warm hug, sincerely, Carlo
2014-08-15 23:08:34 Gaja Tanko
Letošnji festival v postojni je bil zopet nepozabno doživetje. Odličnimi profesorji,zabavna družba,večerni koncerti in nova spoznanstva se mi bodo zagotovo vtisnila v spomin. Hvala Nataši in Tonetu za super voden festival! :)
2014-08-10 20:07:21 Four Aces Guitar Quartet
Dear Tony and Natasha, and all the rest of the Postojna Guitar Festival team
We had a wonderful time in the beautiful Slovenia.
Thanks for the warm welcome, the great accommodation, the good atmosphere, the interesting masterclasses and the amazing concerts.
Also not to forget: the very good espresso at the sports bar and the pizza in the center of Postonja!
Hope to see you all and the participants again!!
Four Aces Guitar Quartet
2014-08-10 17:06:36 Tim Jurkovič
Vsaka čast organizatorjem, za odličen festival, odlično organizacijo in lepe glasbene večere. Mentorji so bili super, saj smo vsi odnesli domov veliko znanja in nič slabe volje, ker ni bilo nikakršne tekmovalnosti. Hvala!
2013-09-10 21:05:47 Sanja Plohl
Recital in poučevanje na 2. mednarodnem festivalu mi je bilo v izjemno čast in veselje. Lepo je bilo delati z mladimi talenti, vzdušje je bilo enkratno in organizacija brezhibna. Festival je trenutno vodilni kitarski dogodek pri nas in upam, da bo tako tudi v prihodnje.
Lep pozdrav, Sanja
2013-08-26 13:04:59 Gaja Tanko
Teden kitare je bil zares fajn. Odlična družba, veliko kitar in zabave, pa tudi mojstrski učitelji. Veselim se prihodnjega festivala, v upanju, da se zopet srečamo.
2013-08-20 16:59:26 Jure Podvratnik
Vse pohvale organizatorju, saj je bil festival še drugič odlično izpeljan. Za nič na svetu ga ne zamudim tudi naslednje leto. Se vidimo! Lp
2013-08-16 00:58:22 Matic Košir
Letos je bil ponovno odličen, še boljši festival, z veliko dobrimi kitaristi, odličnimi profesorji in predvsem z najboljšim vzdušjem. Kar tako naprej!
2013-08-16 22:57:50 Aleš Strajnar
Tisti "moj" večer mi bo zagotovo ostal v spominu tudi zato, ker sva potem na avtocesti oba z bratom padla v policijsko zasedo in imela več kot srečo: test je pokazal, da sva trezna!
Imeti svoj večer v družbi sorodnih duš pa itak razumem in čutim kot velik kompliment in se vsem vam, predvsem pa Tonetu toplo zahvaljujem.
Aleš Strajnar
2013-08-15 18:56:46 Špela Simonišek
Bil je dobro organiziran, poučen in nasploh super festival, koncerti, celoten program in profesorji pa so bili sploh najboljši.
Vzdušje je bilo nad pričakovanji - sproščeno in netekmovalno, družba pa res 'the best' :)
Čestitke za uspešno organizacijo in upam, začetek dolgoletne tradicije.
2012-11-17 19:56:00 Jaka Mihelač
Neverjetno sproščeno, prijetno in prijazno kitarsko vzdušje je krasilo prvi teden kitare v Postojni. Zelo mi je všeč princip festivala brez tekmovanja in upam da bo tako ostalo. Izjemno pomembna se mi tudi zdi organizacija koncertnih večerov s poudarkom na mladih kitaristih, ki so s svojim igranjem več kot navdušili publiko, tudi tisto "nekitaristično."
Skratka, vse čestitke Tonetu in Nataši!
2012-10-19 20:54:46 Dan Grahelj
Bil je fantastičen festival z odličnimi koncerti in delavnicami z najboljšimi profesorji. Poleg tega pa še z veliko zabave in neuradnimi prvenstvi v namiznem nogometu.
Upam, da bo festival postal vsakoletna tradicija.
2012-09-10 13:53:42 Sunčica Trkulja
Lijepo je bilo - ponovilo se i slijedečih godina ...
2012-09-09 14:52:59 István Römer
Pričakoval sem zelo dober festival, a bil je celo fantastičen! Zelo pestro in intenzivno, zainteresirani dijaki in študentje, vsak večer zanimivi koncerti, poseben poudarek na slovensko glasbo (zelo pomembno!), odlični mladi koncertanti in izkušeni Alvaro Pierri, slišali smo tudi glavnega organizatorja igrati in to zelo dobro (redkost!), prijetna srečanja s kolegi profesorji iz Ljubljane, Dunaja in Gradca. In ne nazadnje, entuziastična podpora Občine Postojna in gospoda župana ter velik obisk publike. Čestitam organizatorjem, predvsem družini Črnugelj in želim festivalu dolgo življenje ter lepe koncerte!
2012-09-04 23:14:58 Paolo Pegoraro
It was fantastic to take part at the first edition of the International Guitar Festival in Postojna 2012!
Great atmosphere, perfect organization, very good level of the students. Moreover, is very clever the idea to give to the Slovenian young guitarists the oportunity to know the teachers of the Universities and Academies around their country.
Bravissimi, Anton, Natasa and all the organization team!!! Well done! All the best for the future!
2012-09-14 23:49:33 Friderik King
Iskrene čestitke za vrhunsko prireditev, ki nedvomno močno presega slovenski okvir.
Le tako naprej!
Friderik King
2012-08-27 19:13:36